Friday, December 4, 2020

Blog #13 - Our Relationship With Technology / Technology's Relationship With Us

 I personally feel that my relationship with technology isn’t 100% healthy but definitely is not unhealthy. I feel that technology takes up a good amount of time in my life but I have seen situations with people that I know where technology takes up way more time than it does with me. I use different pieces of technology each and every day whether it be my phone to check texts and social media, my computer to do classwork and make sure I'm doing good in school, or even my Xbox to play video games with my friends, technology is involved in my life very frequently. When people saw Futurama at the worlds fair in the 1960's, people started to freak out that this is what technology could do for the world. But it didn't necessarily play out that way. The technological aspect of technology is trying to inform us and make us smart but the people who are giving out the information using technology can sometimes mislead us and give unreliable information. Platforms such as twitter and facebook were created to help inform us and communicate information to us faster and technology has helped immensely to make that happen but some of the people on the platform have given out false and unreliable information. An example of the type of information technology has given us could be something like this, "From food delivery to wider lifestyle industries, businesses are having to adapt to this change to stay relevant and successful in consumer's lives. Notably, successful businesses in the industry and lifestyle sectors are using technological advances to progress. In 2019, food delivery accounted for about 80% of all food orders, however, only contributed to around 30% of gross profit. Food delivery has been so popular in recent years that in 2017, the US saw 70% of all deliveries related to food products. Since 2017, food delivery services have had to identify weaknesses and continuously adapt to remain competitive."(CISON). This is a perfect example of how technology can bring useful information to businesses that can help them to grow and continue to develop. I feel that I have just accepted all of these things and that its just the way of life and part of society today. Life today revolves around the internet and all the different technologies that use the internet. For example, if you see someone walking around on campus without a phone, that looks weirder compared to a group of people walking together all on their phones. It’s just how life is at this point. The world revolves around technology and it is only going to become more advanced and lead us to new discoveries. 

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