Thursday, October 15, 2020

Blog #7 - EOTO What did I learn?

  In class, we heard many presentations covering many different inventions that changed the way humans communicate to this very day. One thing in particular that caught my eye is the progression of the mobile phone. 

  It was amazing to see how the phone progressed from what it started out as to what it is today that we all know and love. One thing I learned from this presentation that I was completely unaware of was how the idea of the mobile phone came from a car phone. To be completely honest I had no idea that cars even had phones built into them back then. It was also amazing to see the minor but major technological advancements that are basic in phones today. From the first phone to have wifi capabilities, to the first colored display, even to the first phone with a camera, we take all of these things for granted in our cellphones today but when they first came out to the world it was a very big deal. 

 Cellphones are maybe the most recognizable object in today's society. The technological advancements that the mobile phone has gone through have made them what they are today and why they are so wildly popular all over the world. 

Progression of Mobile Phone

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